The University of Connecticut recognizes the sacrifices members of the military have made, and continue to make, in defense of our nation. The Alumni Association, in coordination with Homer Babbidge Library, maintains a Roll of Honor which lists students and graduates of the University whom have died during a time of war. Their website listing the current Roll of Honor can be found here. Our office is committed to remembering the sacrifices these service members have made through our annual service on Veterans Day at the Ultimate Sacrifice Memorial on the Great Lawn, as well as creating profiles for each of the service members so that their memories and lives will not be forgotten.

If you have information on any of those that are listed on the Roll of Honor or would like to assist out office in researching their pasts, please contact us at any time.
100 Faces – This project is an open contemplation of the American experience of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. When complete it will show a cross section of the people who have gone from America into these wars.
Eleven – a documentary film resulting from an inter-generational student project at the Waterbury campus and the University’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and produced by recent alum Nick Forte.
Veterans Monuments at UConn
Below is a map of all of the Veteran Monuments at UConn, in recognition and honor of those men and women who sacrificed so much for our country.